Can You Put Buttermilk in Your Morning Coffee?


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Have you ever wondered can you put buttermilk in coffee as a substitute for creamer or milk? While some may think that buttermilk can enhance the taste and texture of their coffee, others may argue that it can ruin the overall flavor of the drink.

In this article, I will explore the topic of using buttermilk in coffee and provide you with the most relevant and accurate information available. I will examine the pros and cons of adding buttermilk to your coffee, as well as provide alternative options for those who may be looking for a healthier or tastier alternative.

I have to admit, I did try it but I can’t say I enjoyed it. I won’t be doing it again any time soon but it was worth trying.

So, whether you are a coffee lover looking to try something new or simply curious about the topic, read on to discover the truth about using buttermilk in your coffee.

What is Buttermilk
Coffee with a buttermilk biscuit

Can you use buttermilk in coffee?

You can use buttermilk in coffee, but it is not recommended and will not be enjoyed by many.

Buttermilk adds a creamy and slightly tangy flavor to coffee, making it a unique and tasty alternative to traditional milk or cream.

However, the sour and buttery taste of buttermilk can ruin the flavor of a cup of coffee, and the acidity of buttermilk can react with the caffeine in coffee and make it bitter.

Therefore, it is best to stick with regular milk or cream when adding anything to your coffee but there is no harm in giving it a try. You may be one of the few who do enjoy it.

How to Put Buttermilk in Coffee?

If you’re interested in trying out buttermilk in your coffee, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Use a small amount of buttermilk: Since buttermilk has a strong flavor, it’s best to start with a small amount and gradually increase it until you find the right balance.
  • Heat the buttermilk separately: To prevent curdling, heat the buttermilk separately before adding it to your coffee. You can do this by microwaving it for a few seconds or heating it up in a small saucepan on the stove.
  • Add the buttermilk slowly: When you’re ready to add the buttermilk to your coffee, do so slowly while stirring constantly. This will help to prevent the buttermilk from curdling and ensure that it blends evenly with the coffee.
  • Try different types of coffee: Buttermilk pairs well with different types of coffee, including dark roasts and flavored coffees. Experiment with different blends to find your favorite combination.

Overall, adding buttermilk to your coffee can be a fun and unique way to switch up your morning routine. With a little experimentation, you can find the perfect balance of flavors to suit your taste buds.

What Does Buttermilk Coffee Taste Like?

Buttermilk coffee is a unique flavor combination that may surprise you. The taste of buttermilk in coffee can vary depending on the type of buttermilk used and the coffee’s strength and roast.

Some people describe the taste of buttermilk coffee as sweet and creamy, while others find it sour and tangy. The thickness of the buttermilk can also affect the taste and texture of the coffee.

Overall, adding buttermilk to coffee creates a subtle sweetness and creaminess that can balance out the bitterness of the coffee. However, the sourness of the buttermilk can also neutralize the taste of coffee, making it less enjoyable for some people.

If you’re curious about trying buttermilk coffee, it’s best to start with a small amount of buttermilk and gradually increase it to find the right balance of flavors. You can also experiment with different types of buttermilk, such as traditional or modern, to see which one you prefer.

It’s important to note that buttermilk coffee may not be for everyone. Some people may find the taste too unusual or unpleasant. However, if you’re a fan of unique flavor combinations and enjoy experimenting with your coffee, buttermilk coffee is definitely worth a try!

Is Buttermilk Good in Coffee?

While most coffee lovers prefer to stick to traditional creamers and milk alternatives, there are some potential benefits to adding buttermilk to your coffee. Here are a few:

  • Calcium: Buttermilk is a good source of calcium and phosphorus, which helps build muscle and protects against osteoporosis. Adding buttermilk to your coffee can help increase your daily calcium intake.
  • Low in sugar: Buttermilk is naturally low in sugar and carbohydrates, derived entirely from milk, which contains lactose, a naturally occurring sugar. This makes it a good option for those who want to reduce their sugar intake.
  • Rich flavor: Buttermilk has a slightly tangy, sour flavor that can add a unique twist to your coffee. It can also help balance out the bitterness of the coffee.

It’s worth noting that while there are some potential benefits to adding buttermilk to your coffee, it may not be for everyone. The sourness of the buttermilk can be overpowering for some, and it may not mix well with certain types of coffee.

Overall, while it may not be the most common coffee addition, buttermilk can offer some potential health benefits and a unique flavor profile for those who are willing to give it a try.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Putting Buttermilk in Coffee?

While putting buttermilk in coffee might sound like a unique and interesting idea, it’s important to consider any potential risks before trying it out. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Buttermilk contains lactic acid, which can cause curdling when mixed with hot coffee. This can result in an unappetizing and lumpy texture.
  • Adding buttermilk to coffee can also alter the taste and aroma of the coffee, which may not be to everyone’s liking.
  • Buttermilk is a dairy product, which means it contains lactose. If you are lactose intolerant, adding buttermilk to your coffee can cause digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

If you are curious about trying buttermilk in coffee, it’s best to start with a small amount and see how your body reacts. It’s also a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about adding buttermilk to your diet.

What is Buttermilk?

Buttermilk is a dairy product that is made by fermenting milk with lactic acid bacteria. It has a tangy taste and a thick, creamy texture that makes it a popular ingredient in many recipes. Traditionally, buttermilk was the liquid left over after churning butter from cream. However, modern buttermilk is made by adding lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized milk.

Buttermilk is a versatile ingredient that is used in a wide range of dishes, from baked goods to marinades. It is often used in baking to help activate baking soda and create a fluffy texture in cakes, biscuits, and pancakes. Buttermilk can also be used to add a tangy flavor to salad dressings, marinades, and soups.

Buttermilk is a nutritious ingredient that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and potassium, which are important for maintaining strong bones and overall health. Additionally, buttermilk is low in fat and calories, making it a healthy addition to your diet.


After researching the topic of adding buttermilk to coffee, it is clear that there are mixed opinions on the matter. Some people enjoy the tangy flavor that buttermilk adds to their coffee, while others find the curdling effect unappetizing.

One thing to keep in mind is that buttermilk has a low fat and high protein content, which can cause it to curdle when heated to near-boiling temperatures. So, if you do decide to add buttermilk to your coffee, it’s important to heat it gently and not let it boil.

Another consideration is that buttermilk may not be the best choice for those who are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies. In these cases, there are plenty of non-dairy milk alternatives available that can be used instead.

Ultimately, whether or not you should put buttermilk in your coffee is a matter of personal preference. If you’re curious about the flavor combination, it’s worth giving it a try. But if you’re hesitant, there’s no harm in sticking to more traditional coffee additives like cream or sugar.

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