What is the Correct French Press Grind Size: Your Quick Guide


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Are you delving into the art of French Press brewing? Excellent choice. But mastering this technique demands more than just pouring hot water over coffee grounds, which is exactly what I did for a few years until I learned differently.

The key? The grind size of your coffee.

Get it wrong, and you’re in for a bitter disappointment or a weak brew. Get it right, and it’s a cup of heaven.

Here we will demystify the complexities of the correct grind for your French Press. Stick with us as we guide you to the perfect brew.

French Press Grind Size

Key Takeaways

  • The grind size of your coffee is critical to the success of your French Press brewing experience.
  • An incorrect grind can result in a brew that’s too weak or overly bitter.
  • Go for a coarse/medium grind for the best brew.

Importance of the Correct Grind

Coarse vs Fine Grind

When it comes to brewing coffee in a French Press, it’s important that you choose the correct grind size for your coffee beans.

The recommended grind size is between 0.75 mm to 1 mm, which is considered a coarse grind. This will ensure optimal extraction, preventing your coffee from becoming weak if the grind is too coarse, or muddy with sediments if the grind is too fine.

To achieve the desired grind size for your French Press, you may adjust the settings on your coffee grinder. If you don’t have a coffee grinder, consider requesting a coarse grind from your local coffee store or, even better, purchasing a grinder to have more control over the brewing process.

Impact on Taste and Aroma

By choosing the correct grind size, you’re directly impacting the taste and aroma of your coffee. A coarse grind is essential for the French Press because it is an immersion brewing method, meaning the coffee grounds are steeped in water for a longer period.

Using a coarse grind slows down the extraction process, preventing over-extraction and consequently, bitterness in your coffee. On the other hand, a too-fine grind could result in a cup that tastes sour, acidic, and salty. Thus, to achieve a well-balanced flavor, it’s crucial to use the right grind size.

When you brew your coffee with the recommended coarse grind for French Press, you’ll notice an improvement in both taste and aroma. This is due to the optimal extraction process, which releases more of the beans’ unique flavors and known strength. You’ll be enjoying a rich, smooth, and full-bodied cup, with a perfect balance between taste and aroma.

This is certainly what I found as for a few years I was just using fine pre-ground coffee in my French Press. The results were not too bad but as soon as I switched to grinding my own beans to a coarse/medium grind the difference was instantly noticeable.

french press coffee grind size coarse

Achieving the Perfect French Press Grind Size

Step-by-Step Guide to Grinding

To achieve the perfect French press grind size, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the right coffee beans: Go for medium-roast or dark-roast coffee beans, as they work well with the French press brewing method.
  2. Choose a burr grinder: A burr grinder offers more consistency and control over the coarseness of the grounds than a blade grinder.
  3. Set the grinder to the coarse or medium-coarse setting: Look for grounds that have a size and shape similar to chunky sea salt or grains of sand. This will result in a grind size ideal for French press brewing.
  4. Measure the coffee: Follow a 1:12 ratio of coffee to water for the perfect brew.

Adjusting Grind Size for Coffee Bean Types

Keep in mind that different types of coffee beans may require slight adjustments in grind size. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Medium-roast beans: Stick to a medium-coarse grind, which has a consistency similar to sand. This allows for even extraction and a balanced flavor profile.
  • Dark-roast beans: Opt for slightly coarser grounds, as they prevent over-extraction and bitterness often associated with dark roasts.

Experimenting with different grind sizes within the medium-coarse to coarse range will help you find the perfect balance of extraction and flavor for your French press coffee.

Right Coffee Grinder For French Press

Burr Grinders vs Blade Grinders

When choosing a coffee grinder for your French Press, it’s essential to consider the type of grinder that will give you the consistent coarse grind required. Burr grinders and blade grinders are the two main options available to you.

Burr grinders are preferred for French Press brewing since they provide a consistent and even grind size. They work by crushing the coffee beans between two abrasive surfaces (burrs) that you can adjust depending on your desired grind size. This control allows you to achieve the perfect coarse grind for your French Press, resulting in better flavor extraction.

On the other hand, blade grinders work by slicing the coffee beans using high-speed spinning blades, much like a blender. It’s harder to achieve a consistent grind size with blade grinders because the beans are cut indiscriminately into various sizes. They are also prone to over-heating, which can affect the taste of your coffee. So, for the best results with a French Press, it’s recommended to use a burr grinder.

Different Types of Burr Grinders

There are two main types of burr grinders to choose from: flat burr and conical burr.

  • Flat burr grinders have two horizontal abrasive surfaces, and they provide an extremely even grind, making them popular among professional baristas. However, they tend to generate more heat due to friction, which might affect the taste of your coffee. They are also usually more expensive and louder.
  • Conical burr grinders feature two cone-shaped abrasive surfaces, and they are considered a great choice for home use. They produce less heat, ensuring better flavor preservation, and are generally quieter and more affordable than flat burr grinders.

When selecting a burr grinder for your French Press, consider your budget and how much control you want over the grind size.

Both types of burr grinders will provide a consistently coarse grind required for a French Press, so it ultimately comes down to your preferences and needs.

OXO Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

OXO Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder , Silver

Great all-round grinder

A grinder that is easy to use and gives consistent results

  • 15 grind settings from fine to coarse
  • Hopper holders 12 ozs of coffee beans
  • Stainless steel conical burrs

Brewing Your French Press Coffee

Measuring Temperature and Water

To brew the perfect French press coffee, start by heating your water to a temperature between 195-205°F (90-96°C). If you don’t have a thermometer, simply boil the water and then let it sit for about 30 seconds to reach the correct temperature.

Next, find the ideal coffee-to-water ratio. For a balanced brew, use 1 tbsp of coarsely ground coffee for every 4 oz (120 ml) of water. If you have a scale, it’s even better: aim for a 1:15 to 1:17 coffee-to-water ratio by weight.

While waiting for the water to heat, preheat your French press by rinsing it with hot water. This helps maintain the proper temperature throughout the brewing process.

Mastering the Steeping Process

Once your water is heated and your French press is preheated, discard the preheat water and add the appropriate amount of coffee grounds. Pour the hot water over the grounds, making sure to saturate all of them evenly.

To do this, you can pour in a circular motion or use a wooden spoon to gently stir the grounds. I actually use what I think is described as an ice cream spoon, which is basically a teaspoon with a long handle.

Now, set a timer for 4 minutes. This is the recommended steeping time for French press coffee. As the coffee steeps, the coarse grinds’ flavors will be extracted, resulting in a delicious and full-bodied brew.

Tips for a Balanced Brew

To ensure your French press coffee is as flavorful and satisfying as possible, keep these crucial tips in mind:

  • Make sure to use a coarser grind size, as finer grinds can lead to over-extraction and a bitter taste.
  • Do not exceed the 4-minute brew time—this may cause over-extraction and bitterness.
  • While waiting for the extraction time to complete, do not press the plunger immediately. Let the brewing process work its magic; be patient.
  • When the timer goes off, slowly and gently press the plunger downward. This will separate the grinds from the liquid and leave you with delicious coffee to enjoy.

Following these guidelines, you should be able to brew a delightful cup of French press coffee that perfectly suits your taste buds.

French Press Coffee Grind Size FAQs

Why is the grind size important for French Press brewing?

The grind size is crucial because it determines the rate at which flavors are extracted from the coffee during brewing. A grind that’s too coarse will result in a weak, under-extracted coffee, while a grind that’s too fine will lead to over-extraction, making the coffee taste bitter.

What is the ideal grind size for a French Press?

The ideal grind size for a French Press is typically described as ‘coarse’. It should have a consistency similar to sea salt. This allows for a slow and balanced extraction of flavors when the hot water is added.

Can I use pre-ground coffee for French Press brewing?

While you can technically use pre-ground coffee, it’s generally not recommended. Pre-ground coffee is usually too fine for French Press brewing and can result in a bitter taste. For the best results, buy whole bean coffee and grind it yourself just before brewing.

How can I adjust my coffee grinder to get the correct grind size?

If your grinder has a settings dial, adjust it towards the ‘coarse’ end of the scale. It may take a bit of trial and error to find the perfect setting. If your grinder doesn’t have a settings dial, try grinding for less time.

What if my coffee still tastes bitter or weak even after adjusting the grind size?

If you’ve adjusted the grind size and your coffee still isn’t tasting right, consider other factors like the quality of your coffee beans, the water temperature, and the brewing time. All these elements play a crucial role in the flavor of the final brew. You may need to experiment a bit to find the perfect combination for your palate.

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