Why Is My Espresso Watery? Causes and Fixes for Watery Shots


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Perfecting the art of espresso-making involves a delicate balance of several variables. When something is off, the result can be a less than ideal shot of espresso.

A common issue faced by many is a watery espresso. Understanding the potential causes of this problem can help you troubleshoot and refine your espresso-making process.

There are several reasons why this might be happening, and it can be frustrating to not get the rich, bold flavor you were expecting.

Quick Answer: Watery espresso can be due to several factors: incorrect grind size, inadequate tamping, and improper machine settings. Coarsely ground beans and insufficient tamping cause under-extraction, leading to watery espresso. Similarly, if the machine’s temperature or pressure is off, it may not extract flavors properly.

Why Is My Espresso Watery?

What Causes Watery Espresso and How To Fix It?

If you’re getting watery espresso, there are several factors that could be causing it. Here are some of the most common reasons why your espresso might be watery:

Grind Size

One of the biggest factors that can cause watery espresso is the grind size of your coffee beans.

If your coffee is ground too coarsely, it can result in water passing through the coffee too easily, resulting in a weak, watery shot.

On the other hand, if your coffee is ground too finely, it can result in too much resistance, making it difficult for water to pass through the coffee and resulting in a shot that is too strong and bitter.


Tamping is another important factor that can affect the quality of your espresso. Tamping compacts the coffee grounds which in turn slows down the flow of water through the coffee resulting in increased extraction.

If you don’t tamp your coffee evenly and with enough pressure, you can end up with a coffee puck that is too loose, which can cause water to pass through too easily and result in a watery shot.

However, if you tamp too hard, you can end up with a coffee puck that is too compact, which can make it difficult for water to pass through and result in a shot that is too strong.

A good tamp ensures that the coffee grounds are evenly distributed and packed tightly into the filter basket.


The pressure of your espresso machine can also affect the quality of your shot.

If the pressure is too low, it can result in water passing through the coffee too easily and result in a weak, watery shot. But if the pressure is too high, it can result in a shot that is too strong and bitter.

Extraction Time

The amount of time that water is in contact with the coffee grounds can also affect the quality of your shot.

If you don’t extract your espresso for long enough, you can end up with a weak, watery shot. Conversely, if you extract your espresso for too long, you can end up with a shot that is too strong and bitter.

Water Temperature

Another reason for watery espresso could be the temperature at which you are pulling your shot. Pulling at a lower temperature can result in a more watery taste, as less coffee is being dissolved into the water that passes through.

It is recommended to pull your espresso at a temperature between 195-205˚F to achieve the best flavor and consistency.

Water Quality

Finally, the quality of the water you use can also affect the quality of your shot. If your water is too hot or too cold, it can affect the extraction process and result in a shot that is too weak or too strong.

Additionally, if your water flow is too fast or too slow, it can also affect the extraction process and result in a shot that is too weak or too strong.

Tamping coffee grounds correctly to avoid watery espresso

Other Ways To Improve Your Espresso

If you’re tired of watery espresso, there are several other things you can do to improve the quality of your shot. By focusing on the quality of your coffee beans, roast, and espresso machine, you can enjoy a rich, flavorful shot every time.

Grinding Fresh Beans

One of the most important things you can do to improve your espresso is to grind fresh beans. Stale beans can result in a weak, watery shot. By using fresher coffee beans, you can improve the flavor and quality of your espresso.

Using the Right Amount of Coffee

Using the right amount of coffee is crucial to getting the perfect shot of espresso. Too little coffee grounds will result in a weak shot, while too much will result in a bitter shot. Use a scale to ensure that you’re using the right amount of coffee grounds.

Choosing the Right Roast

The roast of your coffee beans can also impact the quality of your espresso. Darker roasts are more bitter, while lighter roasts are more acidic. Experiment with different roasts until you find the one that suits your taste.

Using a Quality Espresso Machine

Finally, using a quality espresso machine is crucial to making a perfect shot of espresso. The machine should have a good filter basket and be able to maintain a consistent temperature and pressure.

By following these tips, you can improve the quality of your espresso and enjoy a rich, flavorful shot every time.

Watery Espresso FAQs

If you’re experiencing watery espresso, you’re not alone. It’s a common issue that can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some frequently asked questions about watery espresso:

Why is my espresso watery?

There are several reasons why your espresso might be watery. It could be due to using the wrong grind size, using too little coffee, uneven tamping, low water temperature, or low pressure. It could also be due to an incorrect brew ratio or extraction time.

What is the correct temperature for pulling espresso?

The industry consensus for pulling espresso is between 195-205˚F. Pulling the coffee at a lower temperature can result in a more watery taste, which can make your espresso watery.

What is the correct brew ratio for espresso?

The industry consensus for espresso brewing is to use a brew ratio of 1:2. This means using 14-18 grams of coffee for a double shot of espresso, which is 28-36 grams of liquid.

How can I fix my watery espresso?

To fix watery espresso, you can try adjusting your grind size, using more coffee, tamping more evenly, increasing water temperature or pressure, and adjusting your brew ratio or extraction time. It’s important to make small adjustments and test your espresso after each adjustment to find the right balance.

Why is it important to use the correct brew ratio and extraction time?

Using the correct brew ratio and extraction time is crucial for getting the right amount of flavor in your espresso shot. It ensures that the coffee is efficiently dissolved in water and that the flavors and oils are properly extracted. This results in a high-quality shot with a rich crema and full-bodied flavor.

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